Ну вот нравятся мне всяческие остроумные надписи чрезвычайно. Особенно на вещах. Особенно на необычных ) Но и на обычных можно тоже.
Вот парочка вещей...
Начнем с главного ))

"To save time let's just assume I'm Always Right!"

"Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult"
Вот такую хочу )

"Heavily medicated for your safety"
coffee is...

"... As a metter of fact, the whole world DOES revolve around me!"


"you are too close"
i'm confused...
maybe i'm not...

"Drinking isn't the answer,
but it helps you forget the question"

"Earth is full. Go home!"

"It's hard to be nostalgic...
when you can't remember anything"

Trophy wife :-)

Если что, Trophy husbund тоже есть, никакой дискриминации ))
Ням ням -))

Да, такая вещь мне тоже определенно необходима )

"Because I said so. That's why"
"If you must have a nice day
please do it somewhere else..."

I'm only in it for the drugs


"This is not the life I ordered"

А это про меня ))

Логика - наше всё )

"Mr. Right & Mrs. Always Right"

I'm a born loser.
...Whats's your excuse?
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